SeaEDH "The Finals"

SeaEDH "The Finals"

Magic: The Gathering: EDH
Laughing Dragon MTG, Northwest Gilman Boulevard, Issaquah, WA, USA

Event Details

Welcome to SeaEDH "The Finals"

This event has an entry fee of $75 and is 100% proxy friendly!

This will be a 5 round swiss tournament. With a cut to top 16. 80 minute rounds.

Decklists are required for this event. Please use Moxfield, MTGGoldfish or similar services to publicize your decklist upon registration.

1st - Judge Gaea's Cradle

2nd - Gaea's Cradle

3rd - Gaea's Cradle

4th - Gaea's Cradle

SeaEDH "The Finals"

Entry Fee – $75

Event has reached capacity
