API – Tournaments V2 Documentation

Documentation for getting data from's Tournaments V2 API


Usage Requirements

Free to Use

The API is free to use, providing access to a wealth of data for your projects and applications.

Rate Limits

You are limited to 200 requests per minute. Need a higher limit? E-mail us at [email protected].


Any project using the API or data from the API must include proper attribution to This includes a visible credit and a link back to

Example Attribution:

<p>Data provided by <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>

By using the API, you agree to these usage requirements. Thank you for supporting!

Please acquire an API Key using the link below. All requests must include your API key in the Authorization header.

  "Authorization": "Your-API-Key"
Get API Key

POST /v2/tournaments

This endpoint retrieves information about completed tournaments. You can retrieve a variety of information, such as players, standings, decklists, matchups, and more. There are powerful filter options available.


Body Parameters

TID: string | array of strings

The ID of the tournament. Can be a single string or an array of strings for multiple tournaments.

game: string

The name of the game for filtering tournaments. Case sensitive. See below.

format: string

The format of the game for filtering tournaments. Case sensitive. See below.

The following games and formats can be filtered. These must be passed to the game and format fields. They are case sensitive and must be passed exactly as written below.

Magic: The Gathering
  • EDH
  • Pauper EDH
  • Standard
  • Pioneer
  • Modern
  • Legacy
  • Pauper
  • Vintage
  • Premodern
  • Limited
  • Timeless
  • Historic
  • Explorer
  • Oathbreaker
  • Standard
  • Expanded
  • Legacy
  • Advanced
  • Edison
  • Goat
  • Domain
Star Wars Unlimited
  • Premier
  • Draft
LorcanaLeave format blank ("")
One PieceLeave format blank ("")
DigimonLeave format blank ("")
Marvel SnapLeave format blank ("")
Shadowverse: EvolveLeave format blank ("")
Flesh and BloodLeave format blank ("")
Sorcery: Contested RealmLeave format blank ("")
AlteredLeave format blank ("")
start: integer

The Unix timestamp (in seconds) indicating the earliest start date for the tournaments to be included in the response.

end: integer

The Unix timestamp (in seconds) indicating the latest end date for the tournaments to be included in the response.

last: integer

The number of days back from today to include tournaments.

participantMax: integer

The maximum number of participants to include.

participantMin: integer

The minimum number of participants to include.

columns: array of strings

An array specifying which player columns to include in the response. Default: ["decklist", "wins", "draws", "losses"]

  "name", // Name of the player
  "decklist", // URL of the player's decklist
  "deckSnapshot", // Object of player's decklist (Magic: The Gathering only)
  "commanders", // Array of player's commanders (Magic: The Gathering, EDH only)
  "wins", // Total wins by the player
  "winsSwiss", // Wins in the Swiss rounds
  "winsBracket", // Wins in the Bracket rounds
  "winRate", // Overall win rate
  "winRateSwiss", // Win rate in the Swiss rounds
  "winRateBracket", // Win rate in the Bracket rounds
  "draws", // Number of draws
  "losses", // Total losses by the player
  "lossesSwiss", // Losses in the Swiss rounds
  "lossesBracket", // Losses in the Bracket rounds
  "id" // Unique player identifier on
rounds: boolean | array of strings

An array specifying which round details to include in the response. This is default set to false. If set to true, the default is: ["round", "tables"]

  "round", // The round number or description (e.g., "Top 8")
  "tables" // Details about the tables in each round
tables: array of strings

An array specifying which table details to include in the response. Default: ["table", "players", "winner", "status"]

  "table", // The table number
  "players", // List of players at the table
  "winner", // The winner of the table
  "status" // Status of the table (e.g., "Completed")
players: array of strings

An array specifying which player details to include in the response. Default: ["name", "id", "decklist"]

  "name", // Name of the player
  "id", // Player ID
  "decklist" // URL of the player's decklist

Example Request

  "last": 30,
  "columns": ["decklist", "wins", "draws", "losses"],
  "rounds": true,
  "tables": ["table", "players", "winner"],
  "players": ["name", "id", "decklist"],
  "game": "Magic: The Gathering",
  "format": "EDH",
  "participantMax": 100,
  "participantMin": 10



    "TID": "TournamentID",
    "tournamentName": "Tournament Name",
    "swissNum": 5,
    "startDate": 1627844461,
    "topCut": 10,
    "standings": [
        "name": "Player Name",
        "id": "Player unique Id",
        "decklist": "Decklist URL",
        "wins": 5,
        "winsSwiss": 3,
        "winsBracket": 2,
        "winRate": 0.83,
        "winRateSwiss": 0.75,
        "winRateBracket": 1.00,
        "draws": 1,
        "losses": 2,
        "lossesSwiss": 1,
        "lossesBracket": 1
    "rounds": [
        "round": 1,
        "tables": [
            "table": 1,
            "players": [
                "name": "Player 1",
                "id": "Player1ID",
                "decklist": "Decklist URL"
                "name": "Player 2",
                "id": "Player2ID",
                "decklist": "Decklist URL"
            "winner": "Player 1",

GET /v2/tournaments/{TID}

This endpoint retrieves detailed information about a specific tournament, including tournament info, standings, and rounds.

Decklists will not appear in the response until the tournament is completed.

Discord Ids will not appear unless the tournament is using them.



  "data": {
    "name": "Tournament Name",
    "game": "Game Name",
    "format": "Game Format",
    "startDate": 1627844461
  "standings": [
      "standing": 1,
      "name": "Player Name",
      "discord": "Discord ID",
      "id": "Player ID",
      "decklist": "Decklist URL",
      "points": 15,
      "winRate": 0.8,
      "opponentWinRate": 0.6,
      "opponentGameWinRate": 0.7,
  "rounds": [
      "round": 1,
      "tables": [
          "table": 1,
          "players": [
              "name": "Player 1",
              "discord": "Discord ID",
              "id": "Player ID",
              "decklist": "Decklist URL"
              "name": "Player 2",
              "discord": "Discord ID",
              "id": "Player ID",
              "decklist": "Decklist URL"
          "winner": "Player 1",
          "status": "Completed"

GET /v2/tournaments/{TID}/info

This endpoint retrieves detailed information about a specific tournament.



  "name": "Tournament Name",
  "game": "Game Name",
  "format": "Game Format",
  "startDate": 1627844461

GET /v2/tournaments/{TID}/standings

This endpoint retrieves the standings of a specific tournament.



    "standing": 1,
    "name": "Player Name",
    "discord": "Discord ID",
    "id": "Player ID",
    "decklist": "Decklist URL",
    "points": 15,
    "opponentWinRate": 0.7,
    "gameWinRate": 0.75,
    "opponentGameWinRate": 0.65

GET /v2/tournaments/{TID}/players/{ID}

This endpoint retrieves information about a specific player in a specific tournament.

Decklists will not appear in the response until the tournament is completed.

Discord Ids will not appear unless the tournament is using them.



  "name": "Player Name",
  "standing": 1,
  "decklist": "Decklist URL",
  "winRate": 0.83,
  "gamesPlayed": 10,
  "gamesWon": 8,
  "gamesDrawn": 1,
  "gamesLost": 1

GET /v2/tournaments/{TID}/rounds

This endpoint retrieves all rounds of a specific tournament.

Decklists will not appear in the response until the tournament is completed.

Discord Ids will not appear unless the tournament is using them.



    "round": 1,
    "tables": [
        "table": 1,
        "players": [
            "name": "Player 1",
            "discord": "Discord ID",
            "id": "Player ID",
            "decklist": "Decklist URL"
            "name": "Player 2",
            "discord": "Discord ID",
            "id": "Player ID",
            "decklist": "Decklist URL"
        "winner": "Player 1",
        "status": "Completed"

GET /v2/tournaments/{TID}/rounds/latest

This endpoint retrieves the latest round of a specific tournament.

Decklists will not appear in the response until the tournament is completed.

Discord Ids will not appear unless the tournament is using them.



    "table": 1,
    "players": [
        "name": "Player 1",
        "discord": "Discord ID",
        "id": "Player ID",
        "decklist": "Decklist URL"
        "name": "Player 2",
        "discord": "Discord ID",
        "id": "Player ID",
        "decklist": "Decklist URL"
    "winner": "Player 1",
    "status": "Completed"


You may receive the following errors when using the tournaments API.

Bad Request

  "status": 400,
  "error": "Both "game" and "format" fields are required."

Invalid API Key

  "status": 401,
  "error": "INVALID API KEY!"

Rate limit exceeded

  "status": 429,
  "error": "Rate limit Exceeded"

Internal Server Error

If you receive a 500 error, please contact us at [email protected].

  "status": 500,
  "error": "Internal Server Error"