
Riches to Rags - cPDH Tournament - April 7th, 2024

Hilton Garden Inn Valley Forge/Oaks, 500 Cresson Blvd, Phoenixville, PA 19460, USA
[email protected]

Event Details

Greetings Magic Players!

This April 7th, I’m happy to announce the fourth iteration of my Competitive Pauper Commander tournament series. Riches to Rags is back to pull money-drunk players back to reality; to show they really don’t know as much about Magic as they thought they did. Don’t agree? Come & prove it! Even the most expensive decks for this format cost less than a Mana Crypt, & this event is 100% Proxy Friendly, so what's your excuse?

How do you do when you no longer have your Dockside, your Blue Farm, or your Thoracle combos? This Pauper Commander tournament will test your Deckbuilding & game knowledge skills in a completely unique setting thats ripe for people who love Magic at its core level.

This is the Inaugural Riches To Rags running alongside Eminence Gaming's excellent tournament series Punt City 3. If you'd like to make a weekend of this, you can register for that as well & play in both events. You'll have until Round 7 of PC3 to determine whether you want to continue there or transition over to this tournament on Sunday.

What is Pauper Commander (PDH)?

Its Budget Commander, with the most concise ruleset out of all such formats.** Any Uncommon Creature** in the Command Zone, even Non-Legendaries, & 99 Commons. Nearly any card ever printed at Common is legal (Other than Mystic Remora & Rhystic Study; yes, those are commons).

Walker's Note

This Tournament will be allowing common Legendary Backgrounds from Battle for Baldur's Gate in the Command Zone for this event, in what many not on the Rules Committee for PDH believe to be the spirit of EDH, as they're Legendary Command Zone cards at or below the rarity limit for this format. Deal with it. If you want a real answer, it's because even with 80 minute rounds, which is a serious hurdle, cPDH can still end up with a lot of Draws; & this opens up some extra tools for players to end the game faster or draw enough ire from their opponents that they're eliminated early.

The Math

32-player Max. 4 Swiss Rounds with Top 4 cutoff. 90 minute rounds, no extra turns. Competitive REL.

The Rules

We're following the trail blazed by the amazing cEDH community & using the MSTR & MSIPG unofficial rule suppliments as the backbone for this event.

Even though PDH is a cheaper format, Accessibility & DIY are core mantras of this event. Competitions must have boundaries however. While proxies are 100% Legal, they must be full color & legible from across the table. Enforcement of this is at the Head Judge's absolute discretion, but the spirit of the law is that everyone should have the right to play this game regardless of how much money is in your wallet; That's the R2R way.

Decklists are required for this event - All competitors will be required to submit a Moxfield link to their deck before 12:00AM on April 7th. Decks can be submitted through registration via Topdeck.gg

The Payoff

Base Prizing - 1st: $200, 2nd-4th: $50, plus each player in the Top 4 will receive an automatic invitation to the next Riches to Rags event. ADDITIONALLY, I'll be opening up the Prize Pool to Community Support. 100% of this fund up to $360 total will go to paying 5th-16th place back their entry fees ($30/player) to reward them for their participation & skill in being able to at least win a round or two. Any excess will be split in a 2:1:1:1 ratio across the Top 4.


This event will begin ASAP @ 11:00AM on April 7th. If you arrive at 11:05, you will NOT be able to participate, so please BE PREPARED. I will have a suite of 16 competitively-viable decks across multiple archetypes available for rental on-site the day of for $10. The earlier you show up, the more time you'll have to select & review which deck you'd like to borrow.

While there are no state guidelines presently for COVID safety/precautions, I nevertheless recommend taking steps like masking to protect yourself & others while attending any event with large numbers of people in this day & age. Please be wary of handling others cards midgame & to sanitize your hands after each round.

Riches to Rags - cPDH Tournament - April 7th, 2024

Entry Fee – $30

Event has capped!
