
Pauper Commander Tournament & Trevor Project Charity Event

[email protected]

Event Details

Event Information

  • Saturday, Feburary 17, 2023 at 11am ET
  • Entry $20
  • Format: Webcam PDH
  • 3-4 Swiss Rounds- 80 Minutes each round, no additional turns, active player will complete their turn when the round ends.
  • Discord: https://discord.gg/Jkn5FpTASv


  • This tournament is a webcam PDH tournament. No digital decks will be allowed during the event.
  • Tournament procedures are Wizards Competitive Rules Enforcement Level with Eminence Multiplayer MTG/IPG Addendum
  • All cards must be WoTC art printed in color. No handwritten or black and white prints out will be allowed during the event.
  • Decks must be submited to the player's Command Tower profile for the event prior to the start of Round 1.
  • Players should have their Discord name/handle on their Command Tower profile prior to the start of Round 1.
  • Play areas must be approved prior to the start of the tournament by submitting a picture of your play area from Spelltable to our #play_area_approval channel.

Prize Support

  • Cash prize support will scale with the number of players that sign up for the event. Starting at 16 players there is over $200 in the prize pool!
  • The Tournament Champion will receive a Tournament Champion Discord role and an interview for our YouTube channel if you'd like.
  • The top 8 players will receive a Top 8 Discord role.
  • Payout will be through PayPal in USD, after the event has concluded.

Event Coverage

The event will be streamed on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/combatstep

Refund Policy

If an individual that pre-registered for the tournament is unable to attend the event, they will need to join our Discord and send a DM to jacethewalker at least 48 hours before the start of the event to eligible for a refund.

Minimum Player Threshold

This event requires at least 16 players to fire. If players sign up and the event does not meet the minimum number of players, those players will be issued a refund.

Pauper Commander Tournament & Trevor Project Charity Event

Entry Fee – $20

Sign In to Register
