
Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier Season 3 W1 March 2nd

Magic: The Gathering: EDH
IWinGames, Ka Uka Boulevard, Waipahu, HI, USA

Event Details

-Rules- 80 minutes No Turns Event is capped at 32 players. If you pre-register and are a no show without notification you will be dropped and prohibited from joining the next event. Digitized decklists are REQUIRED. Moxfield is best. *This season is proxy friendly! You are allowed up to 10 proxies at a $1/proxy +$25 entry. i.e 4 proxies = $29 entry. Please ensure they are legible. They need to be same consistency as an authentic card. Moving forward, all of our Commander events will be 10 proxy limit until further notice.

After players have completed their rounds, please do not interrupt players that are still in their game. If there is an issue with the game please call a judge immediately and they will assist you. 16 players - 3 rounds, top 10 17-32 players - 4 rounds, top 10 cut or 13 cut depending on final standings 33-64 players - 5 rounds, top 16 cut

Points are accumulated based on your placement. i.e 24 players means 1st gets 24 points for the week down to last place getting 1 point. Your total points for Season 3 will be tallied and the top32 players will be invited to the Seasonal event week 13.

Points for Season 3 will also be combined with season's 1 and 2 for the IDubz Invitational happening the week following the Seasonal.

Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier Season 3 W1 March 2nd

Entry Fee – $25

Paid on site

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