Event Details
Win-A-Wheel of Fortune on January 18th, 2025 at 12pm! Format: CEDH (Competitive Commander) Entry: $35, 3-4 Swiss rounds cut to top X based on attendance. Call 440-239-7777 or Facebook message the store for details on entering. 40 Player cap, needs at least 8 to fire! Doors open at 11:00am, Tournament will start at 12:00pm!
Up to 10 playtest cards are allowed per deck, playtest cards must be clearly legible and identifiable. Deck Checks will be made if needed. Deck lists are required.
Prize pool for 8 1st: 1x of each Fetch Land 2nd-4th: Rhystic Study each
Prize Pool for 16 or more 1st: LP Revised Wheel of Fortune 2nd-4th: Ancient Tomb each (Prizes are eligible to turn in for SC)
Command Tower and TopDeck will be used to run Tournament pairing and turn order. Rounds are 80 minutes in length, and after time in the round is called, the active player will finish their turn within 10 minutes or the game will end in a draw. Wins are worth 5 points, Draws are worth 1 point. Byes that are awarded due to uneven pairings will be considered a win and worth 5 points.
Register online and pay through Paypal on the TopDeck website (Taxes are applied) or register online and pay at the store to save fees.
Entry Fee – $37.2