The Guild Hall's New Year cEDH Tournament
Magic: The Gathering: EDH
Event Details
Event Information
Welcome to The Guild Hall’s New Year cEDH event on January 18th.
There will be a $40 Entry fee.
A Topdeck account is free to sign up for. It is required to submit decklists, and view match pairings on the day of the event. YOU MUST have a Topdeck account to be eligible to play.
This tournament will utilize the Competitive MTR/IPG Addendum created by Eminence and will be held to Comp REL standards.
Check-in will begin when doors open up.
Tournament has an 80 Player Cap. We will accept up to same day registration for the this tournament/
Number of rounds and Top Cut will be determined by the number of players, as per the Competitive MTR/IPG Addendum:
- 16 players will be 2 rounds (single elimination with final round)
- 17-34 players will play 3 Swiss rounds and final round with Top 4 cut
- 35-64 players will play 4 Swiss rounds with Top 10 cut, semifinal round for 3rd through 10th place, and final round with 1st and 2nd place with winners of the semifinal round pods
- 65-80 players will play 5 Swiss rounds with Top 16 cut, semifinal round pods will include all of Top 16 cut, and final round will include the winners from semifinal pods
Each round will have an 80 minute time limit. Whoever is on their turn when the time limit is up will finish their turn and the round will be over, except for the semifinals and finals, where play continues until there is a declared winner.
In the Swiss rounds, each win will be worth 5 points and 1 point for draws.
Also in the Swiss rounds, players receiving byes are considered to have won a match. They will have 3 opponents added to their opp history with a .2 win rate percentage.
1st place will based on number of participants:
- 16 - 24 participants - $100 store credit
- 25 - 32 participants - $200 store credit
- 33 - 48 participants - Wheel of Fortune Revised Edition card
- 49 - 64 participants - Scrubland Revised Edition card
- Over 64 participants - Volcanic Island Revised Edition card
2nd place - 4th place will get $40 buy-in back (refund/store credit)
5th place - (number of participants/4, max 10th) place will get $20 (cash/store credit)
This event starts at Noon on January 18th. Doors open at The Guild Hall at 11am for check in.
The Guild Hall's New Year cEDH Tournament
Entry Fee – $40