FREE Revised Scrubland Tournament
Magic: The Gathering: EDH
Event Details
Event Information
- Entry: FREE
- Location: 12714 W Hampton Ave, Suite C, Butler, WI 53007
- Date: 02/15/2025 @12PM
- Player Cap: 64
- Check-in: 11AM
- Command Tower for pairing software and determining turn order
- There will be 5-6 rounds of swiss, based on participation.
- Each round will be 80 minutes in length.
- After time in the round is called, the active player will finish their turn and the game will end in a draw.
- Wins are worth 5 points Draws are worth 1 point.
- After swiss there will be a cut to top 16 based on points awarded during the swiss then a single elimination round will take place to determine top 4. (Top 16 cut is always dependent on attendance).
- This tournament will utilize the Competitive MTR/IPG Addendum created by Eminence and will be held to Comp REL standards.
- This tournament will utilize Command Tower for the pairing software and determining turn order.
- Byes that are awarded due to awkward pairings will be considered a win and worth 5 points.
- Deck checks will be performed before start of event.
- Prizes and rounds based on full attendance and are subject to change.
- Submit a decklist prior to signing up.
Proxies and Deck Checks
We are 100% Proxy Friendly Proxies should be printed in color and clearly legible. Goldborder cards will be allowed.
Additional Info
This will be a gold event assuming we reach player minimums The winner of the event will be given an HP revised Scrubland Feel free to send any questions to our discord!