
Better Plays Gaming 1 Year 1k Celebration

4958 Darrow Road, Stow, OH, USA
[email protected]

Event Details

Welcome to the Better Plays Gaming 1 Year 1K Celebration! to show our gratitude and appreciation we will be hosting our very first Cedh 1K!

Our doors will open at 11am with a 12pm start time. If we have less than 32 players will be playing 4 rounds of Swiss with a cut to top 4, if we get more than 32, we will be running 5 rounds with a cut to top 16!

As always, this event is 100% proxy friendly, provided that the proxied is completely legible and has all details of the original card.

Rounds will be 80 min with no turns. Once time is called Active player will have 10 minutes to finish their turn, if they cannot finish the game, it ends in a draw.

Entry is $30

1st Place: $400 2nd-4th: $200 Top 4 split:$250

Sign up today! The more that sign up, the more players we can draw in! Let’s make this our biggest event yet!

Prizing may vary based on event attendance

Better Plays Gaming 1 Year 1k Celebration

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