cEDH Event

cEDH Event

Magic: The Gathering: EDH
486 Boulevard, Kenilworth, NJ 07033, USA

Event Details

Please Arrive 20-30 minutes prior to event start

To Particicpate, Players will need to have a Topdeck.gg account and a Moxfield account. Decklists are to be submitted to topdeck using Moxfield.

When: Saturday March 1st @ 12:00pm

Where: The Card Nest - 486 Boulevard Kenilworth, NJ 07033

Entry: $50 Entry (non-refundable if less than 48 hours prior to event start) Pre-Purchase for this event is highly recommended and can be found at the link below. https://www.thecardnest.com/catalog/events/mtg_cedh_event__saturday_31__1200pm/2110047

In order to secure your spot for this event, you must purchase your entry on our website

Format: cEDH

Player Cap: 24 Players

Structure: 5 Rounds timed at 80 minutes each. Cut to top 10, then to final 4. Semi Finals and Final Rounds will be untimed. 30 minute lunch break provided after round 3.

Card Proxys?: 15 Card Proxy Limit

Prizing: Winner: Tropical Island 2nd Place: $125 Store Credit 3rd Place: $125 Store Credit 4th Place: $125 Store Credit

Proxy Details: 15 Card Proxy Limit. You will need to use "test cards" that are in color and utilize recognizable art or MDFC placeholder cards that are clearly written on. MDFC cards will require full text, mana cost, card type(s) and name. If you choose to use MDFCs, you are limited to only 10 MDFC proxies. Additionally, you will need a print out of the cards to reference on the side. If you need MDFC cards, they can be provided to you on day of tournament. You will not be allowed to slip printed pieces of paper in front of a magic card.

cEDH Event

Entry Fee – $50

Paid on site

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