Event Details
Event will start in:
Event Highlights
European Player Friendly
European morning start, but everyone is welcome.
Fully Proxy Friendly
All proxies must be in color and use recognizable artwork.
Prizing Scaled with Attendance
Enjoy perks including ka0s League access in addition to cash prizes!
2nd - 4th
5th - 8th
9th - 16th
Top 16
Top 64
March 3rd, 2024, at 10:00AM Central European Time.
Hosted on webcam over Spelltable on the ka0s Tournaments Discord!
Five 90 minute rounds, cutting to top 16, the winners of which play a top 4 finals match. Player cap: 128
Our full rule list, including everything required to protect competitive integrity, can be found on our discord in the #readme_and_ticket_tool channel, under Rules and Expectations. top 10 and top 4.
Submit your decklist on Command Tower, get any alters approved in #alter_approvals on our discord, get your playspace approved in #playspace_approvals on our discord, and test your tech by firing up a real or test Spelltable game. Full details including our playspace expectations in our #readme_and_ticket_tool under the Preparing section on our discord.
No, webcam over Spelltable only, following our webcam expectations listed in #readme_and_ticket_tool in our discord.
Up until 24 hours before the event, you may get your ticket refunded by reaching out with a support ticket in our #readme_and_ticket_tool channel on discord or by PMing a TO,
Submit a ticket in our #readme_and_ticket_tool channel on discord, or PM one of the people under the Server Support category on the member list sidebar!
ka0s Pantheon Series II
Entry Fee – €30