SeaEDH 6 "The Monarchy Dethroned"

SeaEDH 6 "The Monarchy Dethroned"

Magic: The Gathering: EDH
Laughing Dragon MTG, Northwest Gilman Boulevard, Issaquah, WA, USA

Event Details

Welcome to SeaEDH 6 "The Monarchy Dethroned", SeaEDH's 6th tournament!

This event has an entry fee of $50 and is 100% proxy friendly!

This will be a 5 round swiss tournament. With a cut to top 16. 80 minute rounds. (The number of rounds are subject to change based on attendance.)

Decklists are required for this event. Please use Moxfield, MTGGoldfish or similar services to publicize your decklist upon registration.

Payment for the event can be found here: https://forms.gle/HdeFYiSRezBUaYdXA

1st - Mox Diamond

2nd - Revised Taiga

3rd - Revised Plateau

4th - Revised Wheel of Fortune

SeaEDH 6 "The Monarchy Dethroned"

Entry Fee – $50

Paid on site

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