Legacy 1k at Pennrose Park

Legacy 1k at Pennrose Park

Magic: The Gathering: Legacy
1622 Country Club Rd, Reidsville, NC 27320, USA

Event Details

Appalachia Games comes to Greensboro!

The Appalachian Gaming League is coming to Penrose Park in Reidsville NC!

Day 1: cEDH 10k Main Event

Day 2: Single Day CEDH 2k, Legacy 1k, $30 Vintage 1k

Legacy 1k

Pre-Order pricing has **expired

Prize Support

1st place: $350

2nd place: $200

3rd - 4th: $125 each

5th - 8th: $50 each

Basic Structure



9 total rounds 6 rounds of swiss then cut to top 8

Rounds are 50 minutes.

Event Details

Location: Pennrose Park Country Club 1622 Country Club Rd, Reidsville, NC 27320

Date: September 29th

  • Check-in: 10:00am
  • Registration ends: 10:45am
  • Round 1 Start: 11:00am
  • Player Cap: 80

Deck lists required prior to check in.


Gamers Haunt The Deck Box Appalachian Gaming League


We are 100% Proxy Friendly Proxies should be printed in color and clearly legible. Goldborder cards will be allowed. Please refer to our Guidelines tab for more information on proxies or message/email us to help verify.

Prizes and rounds based on full attendance and are subject to change.

Legacy 1k at Pennrose Park

Entry Fee – $40

Sign In to Register
