
Competitive Commander Tournament

50015 Wrightsville Avenue, Wilmington, NC, USA
[email protected]

Event Details

Competitive Commander Tournament on November 26th, starting at 12:30 P.M.

Entry - $10

Proxies for events at Cape Fear Collectibles must conform to one of the two categories below:

Paper Printouts: Only color printouts are acceptable. The printouts must be trimmed such that no portion of them extends beyond the sleeve. The printouts must be of the English version of the card. The printouts must slide over the actual card in the sleeve without it being obvious there is something in the sleeve with the card.

Proxy Cards: Cards must be of appropriate dimensions for a Magic: the Gathering card. The card must have the English name of the card on it*

The card cannot be an actual MTG card with marker scrawled on it, because no one has good handwriting anymore

*The rk post P9 proxies have partial names,e.g. “Lotus”, “Recall”, “Walk”, “Ruby”, etc. If you and your opponent both understand what the card is, play on

Tournament will be a minimum of 3 rounds, with a 90 minute clock. If ther are 16+ players we will do a cut to top 4

Point System is the following: Win is 5 Draw is 1 (to all 4 players, including dead ones) Loss is 0

All entry fees go into the prize pool and will be paid out as store credit to the top 3 finishers based on record

Competitive Commander Tournament

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