Typal Tussle Commander Party @ Mana Games

Typal Tussle Commander Party @ Mana Games

Magic: The Gathering: EDH
Mana Games Café, P Street, Lincoln, NE, USA

Event Details

Typal Tussle Commander Party

  • When: Sunday, Dec 22nd at 1pm
  • Format: Commander. 2 90-min rounds.
  • Entry: Day Pass / Free for Members
  • Prize Support: Promo Card for Entry. 2 Foil Promo Packs per Pod Winner PLUS prize points available for attendance and throughout the matches.
  • Decklist Required

This event has simple restrictions for your deck:

  • -Your deck must contain a minimum of 21 Creatures including your Commander.
  • -All but 5 of your Creatures need to share a single Creature type. Your Commander MAY be one of the 5 Creatures that does not share the type.
  • -Yes, Shapeshifter is a valid Creature type, and Creatures with Changeling will not count towards your 5 off-type Creatures. But Shapeshifters WITHOUT Changeling will count only as "Shapeshifter."


*Show Up, Shuffle Up (250} Check in to the event with a Wizards account and play a round.

*I Just Think They're Neat {100} {multiple can claim, once per event): Be the ONLY player at the event to pilot a specific Creature Type.

*Turtles All the Way Down {100} (multiple can claim, once per event): Play a deck with 100% of the Creature cards sharing the same PRINTED type.

*Promote from Within {75} {multiple can claim, once per event): Your Commander shares the Creature Type of your deck.

*Survival of the Fittest {360} (Winner can claim}: Win a game.

*Chuckles I'm EnDanger(ed). (150} (multiple can claim}: Have a single creature survive a board wipe effect/ability. (must have controlled 3+ creatures on the field prior to the resolution)

*My Name is Legion {120} {First in game can claim}: Control 7+ non-token Creatures of the same type.

*Keeping Odd Company {150} : Control 4+ non-token creatures that DO NOT share your deck's creature type theme.

*Never Tell Me the Odds {100} (multiple can claim, once per game}: Mulligan to 5 cards in your starting hand.

*Game Over (-125} Win with any "win the game" effects or loopable combo. (infinite or nondeterministic, i.e. any action or actions that can or must be looped but without knowing the exact number necessary to present a particular board state)

*Too Soon {-275} Win on Turn 5 or sooner. (Extra turns do not add to the turn count.)

*Natural Disaster {-75} Destroy or exile 2 or more lands you don't own without replacing them. (Creature lands don't count).

Typal Tussle Commander Party @ Mana Games

Entry Fee – $8

Paid on site

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