PDX cEDH 3rd Anniversary Social

PDX cEDH 3rd Anniversary Social

Magic: The Gathering: EDH
11876 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton, OR 97005, USA

Event Details

PDX cEDH has been doing its thing for 3 years, thank all of you for making this all possible!

We've come from a 25ish person monthly local at our home store, PGS, to a Region wide network of stores and communities.

We've gone from offering Store Credit to offering Reserve List cards monthly and Cash Prize Pools in the thousands.

We've come from the only name in the game in our Region to one of many strong and thriving scenes, TOs, event series and communities.

This year, the PDX cEDH Social is going to accomplish one of the biggest goals we've had as an organization. One of our foundational values is to support local players to better perform on the national stage. PDX cEDH is starting a community funded Sponsorship program for Qualified players to attend larger national events. The Social this year will be a celebration of us coming together as a community to help our best and brightest attend Fishbowl 2025.

Fishbowl San Diego 2025 will be a 10k with a 300 player cap with the backing of one of cEDH's biggest content creators, Playing with Power, this could be the biggest cEDH event on the West Coast for 2025.

PDX cEDH reached out to TO and PWP content creator, Higher, and we were told that we were Qaulified to Qualify.

More Information about Fishbowl, Higher and Playing with Power:



The PDX cEDH Fishbowl San Diego 2025 Qualifier is a Grind Team League event. For information on joining the league and getting access to the Qualifier event visit patreon.com/PDXcEDH

PDX cEDH is committing its 3rd Anniversary Social to raising funds to help offset travel expenses for the players who we are sending to Fishbowl. All donations raised at the Social will go to these players.

This social has a $15 Suggested donation at the door for the Sponorship Program.

Social Side Events:

*5pm cEDH Open Play & Grind Team League Games Open to All

Come get some games in playing your favorite format with your favorite folks. Also, this will be an IRL League night so IRL Games will count as League Games. The League will be restarting it's leaderboard at this event so this is the best place to get a headstart for the season leading into the new year. League winners from the Winter is Coming (Nov 1st-Dec13th) League will be awarded at this event.

*5pm Full Proxy Legacy Tournament $10 Entry, Prize Pool in Store Credit and based on Participation, all entry fees for this tournament go to the Prize Pool for this tournament

Come play the only other popular format that could be said to be exploring our card pool as much as we are. We've had several top ranked Legacy players come into cEDH tournaments and do very well, lets take a shot at their format. Legacy, the format that loves Force of Will as much as we do.

Sign Up Link with Registration https://topdeck.gg/event/eUxe3To8PKw8UUoziEHi

*6pm cSMASH "A Super Smash Bros N64 Tournament" 16 person cap, Free, sign up at event

Super Smash Brothers for the N64 is the pinaccle of all competitive settings. No where else is skill better expressed and the strenght of play more accurately tested than this beloved classic. Come find out who is the best Smash player in our scene.

*6pm Vintage Cube by LegendKyel 16 person cap, Free, sign up at event

Our local cEDH champion is taking a break from dominating the field with TNT to enjoy the finer things in life. Join us for a Vintage cube draft as we take a walk through the history of Magic in the best format to that is able to absorb the most broken cards ever printed. No bans here, it's just all the hits all the time.

PDX cEDH 3rd Anniversary Social

Entry Fee – $15

Paid on site

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