
Room 2 Game CEDH Tournament 12/10/23

3181 Cameron Park Drive, Cameron Park, CA, USA
[email protected]

Event Details

Hi everybody, we will be running a CEDH Tournament at Room 2 Game at 3181 Cameron Park Drive, Cameron Park. The date of the tournament is 12/10/23 and the start time is 1:00pm. The event is fully proxy friendly and entry fee will be $40. We will have 4 rounds of swiss with a cut to top 4. Each round will be 80 minutes long with no turns. The top prize will be a Borderless double masters mana crypt and a foil 30th Anniversary Promo Japanese Tarmogoyf. 1st Place in the swiss will get a foil Glen Elendra Archmage 30th Anniversary Promo and a foil promo Wurmcoil Engine. Top pod will always receive store credit scaling with the number of players and all other participants will always receive a draft booster. If you would like to participate in this month's event Pre-registration is highly recommended. If you have any other questions feel free to message me on Discord. @Bossmitch2

Room 2 Game CEDH Tournament 12/10/23

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