Enchanted Grounds Littleton $1k - February 2025

Enchanted Grounds Littleton $1k - February 2025

Magic: The Gathering: EDH
Enchanted Grounds, West Bowles Avenue, Littleton, CO, USA

Event Details

Event Information

This event will be completely proxy friendly. You will need to use proxy "test cards" that are in color and utilize recognizable art (any art on Scryfall is allowed). Proxies must be one piece of cardboard the same thickness as a magic card. Paper proxies sleeved with a Magic card will not be allowed. You may use up to 5 MDFC proxies with clearly written text.

Cards cannot be marked or have damaged sleeves.

Moxfield deck list must be provided upon player meeting on tournament day.

Topdeck/Command Tower software will be used to organize the tournament.


Competitive REL - https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Rules_Enforcement_Level

Multiplayer Addendum - https://topdeck.gg/mtr-ipg-addendum

4 rounds of swiss, followed by a cut to top 13, then top 4.

80 minute rounds with no extra turns. Active player finishes their turn.


All participants in the event will receive a promo card or sealed item determined based on supplies on hand.

32 players guarantees $1k in cash prizing for top four players.

36 players guarantees a Revised Tropical Island to 1st place.

40 players guarantees a sealed Unfinity box topper pack to top four players.

48 players guarantees free entry to a future EG $1k cEDH event for top 13 players.

All card, box topper, and event entry prizes are in addition to the cash prize paid out at 32 players.

If fewer than 32 players are enrolled in the event prizes will be adjusted to include a mix of the above listed items, dependent on the final number of players.


10:30 AM player check in/sign up, deck list submission

11AM start

Other info

Join the player's discord here: https://discord.gg/SarV57Ahjh

Enchanted Grounds Littleton $1k - February 2025

Entry Fee – $45

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