Commander Invitational

Commander Invitational

Magic: The Gathering: EDH
Millennium Maxwell House, Rosa L Parks Boulevard, Nashville, TN, USA

Event Details

Land, Go Expo 2025

It All Happens Here! Players from across the country are coming out to win a Black Lotus in our Commander Invitational.

Didn't get an invite? Play in our Last Chance Qualifiers, or check out the Land, Go Open and play for 10k in prizing!

Our Gracious Hosts for this year is the Millenium Maxwell House Hotel in gorgeous Nashville, TN

Day 1: The Land, Go Invitational and the Land, Go Open, 10k cEDH main event

Day 2: cEDH top cut concludes and a single day cEDH event

Other events available on-site


An Topdeck account is free to sign up for. It is required to submit decklists, and view match pairings on the day of the event. YOU MUST have a TopDeck account to be eligible to play

Decklists are REQUIRED for this event

9:00 - 10:00am – Registration 10:00am – Players' Meeting 10:30am – Round 1 Starts



This tournament has a 96 Player Cap.

There will be up to 5 rounds of Swiss

Each round will be 80 minutes in length.

After time in the round is called, the game is over after active player finishes their turn. This rule goes away once we cut to top players

Wins are worth 5 points Draws are worth 1 point.

After Swiss there will be a cut to the top players based on points awarded during the Swiss

This tournament will utilize the MTR/IPG Addendum created by TopDeck and will be held to Comp REL standards.

This tournament will utilize Command Tower for the pairing software and determining turn order.

Proxy Policy

PROXIES ARE ALLOWED FOR THIS EVENT This event will be proxy friendly, up to 20 Proxies

You will need to use "test cards" that are in color and utilize recognizable art or MDFC placeholder cards that are clearly written on. MDFC cards will require full text, mana cost, card type(s) and name.

If you choose to use MDFCs, you are limited to only 10 MDFC proxies. Additionally, you will need a print out of the cards to reference on the side.

You will not be allowed to slip printed pieces of paper in front of a magic card.

Alters Policy

All alters must be approved before the event by our staff. Please send all alter inquiries to [email protected] or on our discord prior to the event to expedite registration on the day of the event.




Hotel Information

Using our Guest Room Code LANDGOEVENT25 you can save on costs of your stay

Millenium Maxwell House Hotel 2025 Rosa L. Parks Nashville, TN 37228

  • Comp WIFI in the Meeting Space
  • No Charge for Deliveries to the Hotel
  • Free Parking
  • On-Site Lounge and Bar
  • On-Site Restaurant
  • Complimentary Shuttle to Downtown Nashville (Broadway)
  • No Resort Fee

You may book your rooms here.

Refund Policy

If an individual that pre-registered for is unable to attend for any reason, they will need to notify a member of the Land, Go team at least two weeks before the event to be eligible for a full refund.

Vendor Information

Vendors will be available on site. If you would like to vend at this event, please contact us for more information

Anything else (health, etc.)

You can read our MTR/IPG Addendum for Commander events here. Prizing is based on full attendance and is subject to change. More info and questions can be directed to the Land, Go Discord at https://discord.gg/R6C9vuFhmR or on Facebook.com/LandGoMTG
