Midland Mayhem - Sealed & Constructed (Sorcery: Contested Realm)

Midland Mayhem - Sealed & Constructed (Sorcery: Contested Realm)

Sorcery: Contested Realm
6500 W Main St Suite 224, Belleville, IL 62223

Event Details

Event Information

Midland Mayhem is coming! Sorcerers from around the country will gather this May at America's "Gateway to the West" to vie for the 2024 Midland Crown! The Champion will need to be skilled at both Limited and Constructed formats. A Constructed main event will start Saturday, May 18 at 10 am. A Limited main event will start Sunday, May 19 at 10 am. Side events including Learn to Play events will be held all weekend starting Friday at 5 pm. Jeff A. Menges (https://www.jeffamenges.com/) is confirmed as attending!

Sign up for this event if you want to play in both the main events - Constructed tournament on Saturday and the Sealed tournament on Sunday.


For Constructed events, players need an Avatar, 40 card spellbook, and 20 card Atlas as described in the Sorcery Rulebook.

For Sealed events, players will open 6 booster packs and build a 25 card spellbook and 12 card Atlas. Players can supplement their decks with any ordinary sites or avatars.

For Draft events, players will draft from 3 booster packs. To draft, open a booster pack, select one card, and pass the remaining cards to the left. This is repeated until the player has selected 14 cards. Ordinary sites and Avatars are not selected. For pack 2, pass to the right, and for pack 3 pass to the left. After drafting, build a 25 card spellbook and 12 card Atlas. Players can supplement their decks with any ordinary sites or avatars.

There will be no ban list. Tear up Eric's Curiosa at your own expense! Blow a minion with Chaos Twister at your own peril!

Overall winner will be determined by the lowest combined limited + constructed placement (placing 10th and 11th beats placing 1st and 21st).


All staff and participants will receive an exclusive event t-shirt, stamped cards (TBA), and playmat (Rubble by Jeff A. Menges)!

All registrants will receive a random item from a store kit (from a pool of 10 posters, 4 Mortality playmats, 4 Donnybrook Inn playmats, 6 foil bone rabbles, and 40 non-foil bone rabbles)

Overall Champion will receive 1/3 Alpha booster box (13 packs), the 2024 Midland Mayhem trophy, a Crown Sorcerer promo, and an exclusive stamped card (TBA)!

Limited event winner will receive 1/3 Alpha booster box (13 packs), an exclusive stamped Alpha Champion card, and an exclusive stamped Craterize!

Limited event runner-up will receive 3 Alpha booster packs, 9 Beta booster packs, and an exclusive stamped Craterize!

Other Limited event top 8 will receive 3 Beta booster packs, and an exclusive stamped Craterize!

Constructed event winner will receive 1/3 Alpha booster box (13 packs), an exclusive stamped Beta Champion card, and an exclusive stamped Wraetannis Titan!

Constructed event runner-up will receive 3 Alpha booster packs, 9 Beta booster packs, and an exclusive stamped Wraetannis Titan!

Other Constructed event top 8 will receive 3 Beta booster packs, and an exclusive stamped Wraetannis Titan!

5 Alpha packs and 18 Beta packs will be raffled randomly to other participants!

Gift certificates to Mythic Lotus Gaming (the venue) will be added to the prize pool!

Anything else (health, etc.)

Jeff A. Menges will be at the event Saturday and Sunday offering items for sale as well as singings and other artist services.

A two-day pass will cost $100. Sealed event only will be $80 and the Constructed event only will be $60.

The venue, Mythic Lotus Gaming, will be open Friday 4 PM–1 AM, Saturday 9 AM–11 PM, and Sunday 9 AM–11 PM (Normal weekend hours are 12-11 PM).

A constructed tune-up event will begin Friday at 5 pm. This event will have a low entry fee. Draft pods will start firing as they fill up starting Friday at 5 pm.

Constructed main event will start Saturday, May 18 at 10 am. Round 2 at 11, round 3 at 12, followed by a break for lunch. Round 4 will start at 2pm. Top 8 will start at 3, consisting of 3 swiss rounds.

Draft pods will start firing as they fill up starting Saturday at 10 am. Drafts will be open to players with any pass.

Limited main event (sealed) will start Sunday, May 19 at 10 am. Round 1 by 11, round 2 by 12, followed by a break for lunch. Round 3 will start by 2pm, round 4 by 3. Top 8 draft will start at 4, followed by 3 swiss rounds.

Draft pods will start firing as they fill up starting Sunday at 10 am. Drafts will be open to players with any pass.

Mythic Lotus Gaming offers a wide variety of gaming supplies, Magic: The Gathering, Lorcana, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dungeons & Dragons, and more!

If you're a collector and would like an event playmat, stamped cards, or if you'd like your business, store, or podcast featured on the t-shirts, reach out to me and we can discuss a sponsorship.

Midland Mayhem - Sealed & Constructed (Sorcery: Contested Realm)

Entry Fee – $106

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