Event Details
Phyrexian Power Play 2!
Date: Saturday, January 6th, 2024
Start Time: 10:00 AM Eastern
Location: https://discord.gg/kpJuQ8jJDR
Swiss Rounds: 4 (5 if over 64 players)
Cut to: Top 13 (#1 seed straight to grand finals, 2-13 play for their finals spot)
Round Duration: 80 minutes, no turns. Active player has 10 minutes to conclude their turn before the game ends in a draw.
Entry Fee: $30
Medium: Webcam
Rules Enforcement Level: Competitive
Pairing Software: Command Tower
Decklist Registration: Command Tower
Prize Support:
Below 95 players, 60% of the total entry fees received will be distributed as prize support, 40% will be distributed to event staff. Above 95 players, all profit will be added to the prize pool.
Players who make top-4 with Atraxa, Grand Unifier or Atraxa, Praetor's Voice will receive an additional 10% prize payout!
Example: At 95 players, $500 cash to the winner, and $250 cash to the top-4.
Proxy Policy: Full proxy allowed. Proxies must be legal per the standard Magic alter policy (must use original Magic art, cannot contain lewd materials, cannot contain strategic advice).