Buffalo Chicken Dip Legacy 15 - Texas
Magic: The Gathering: Legacy
Event Details
Event Information
I’m happy to announce Buffalo Chicken Dip Legacy (BCDL) 15 taking place Saturday October 19, 2024, at Asgard Games located at 3302 South Shepard Drive, Houston, Texas 77098 with check-in starting at 10 am and first round pairings at 11 am. This will be the first BCDL event outside of Ohio and we're excited to finally begin running events in Texas. This event was initially scheduled for July, but had to be pushed back which is why numerically its out of order. I appreciate everyone's patience as BCDL begins running in Texas and Ohio. Thank you to Asgard Games and their staff for hosting us. As always, we’ll have tasty buffalo chicken dip for all competitors while supplies last. If you can’t attend, make sure to check out the event stream at https://www.twitch.tv/buffalochickendiplegacy.
Signup and Tournament Administration will be through Topdeck.gg.
Decklists, pairings, match results, and tournament administration will be done on Topdeck.gg.
Location Website - https://asgardgames.net/
Bonus Vintage Event Sunday October 20th! - For those interested in making this a destination travel weekend, Asgard Games is hosting their monthly full proxy Vintage event on Sunday October 20th starting at 1 pm. A door prize of a Savannah will be given to a random player in the event. If the random player winning the Savannah is in the Top 4 of the event the Savannah will be bumped up to an Underground Sea! Remaining prizes paid out in store credit based on attendance.
Format: Legacy – full playtest allowed – playtest cards must be printed out with full card text and name – no sharpie marker on cards or handmade playtest cards. We will be as if we are playing at Comp REL level, but this event IS NOT sanctioned as we’re allowing playtest cards. I expect 6 rounds of Swiss with a cut to Top 8. Decklists will be required and submitted electronically through Topdeck.gg. We will have a judge for this event.
Prizes will scale with attendance and will be as provided below. Prizes will lock one week prior to the event so I have time to acquire prize cards, but I will increase them on short notice if possible. Please sign-up ASAP so I have time to get prize cards. The deadline for paid players to increase the prize pool will be October 13, 2024, to allow me time to secure additional prizes.
**Guaranteed Minimum Prizes: ** 1st place will receive a Revised Underground Sea, their name on the golden chicken trophy, and their own mini trophy to keep. 2nd place will receive a Revised Tundra. 3rd and 4th place will each receive a Revised Scrubland. 5th through 8th place will each receive an Alliances, Dominaria Remastered, or Eternal Masters Force of Will.
**Prizes at 48 Paid Players: ** 1st place will receive a Revised Underground Sea, their name on the golden chicken trophy, and their own mini trophy to keep. 2nd place will receive a Revised Tundra. 3rd and 4th place will each receive a Revised Scrubland. 5th through 8th place will each receive a Tempest or Ultimate Masters Ancient Tomb.
**Prizes at 55 Paid Players: ** 1st place will receive a Revised Underground Sea, their name on the golden chicken trophy, and their own mini trophy to keep. 2nd place will receive a Revised Tundra. 3rd and 4th place will each receive a Revised Scrubland. 5th through 8th place will each receive a Tempest or Ultimate Masters Ancient Tomb. 9th through 16th will receive an Alliances, Dominaria Remastered, or Eternal Masters Force of Will.
Swiss based on attendance with cut to Top 8.
Check In time: 10 am check-in and 1st round pairings at 11 am.
Buffalo Chicken Dip Legacy 15 - Texas
Entry Fee – $55